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About the Technical Intern Training Program (技能実習制度)

執筆者の写真: JOB MATE 事務局JOB MATE 事務局


Hello、 Job Mate here.

Today I want to introduce you to the Technical Intern Training Program in Japan.

Established as a formal program in 1993,

the Technical Intern Training Program (技能実習制度) was developed after positive results of training programs conducted by Japanese companies overseas and others in the form of education employee starting around 1960.

The objective of the Technical Intern Training Program (技能実習制度) is to transfer skills, technologies, or knowledge acquired in Japan to developing regions and to promote international cooperation by contributing to the development of human resources who will become catalysts of economic development and growth in developing regions.

Since 1993, the objective and purpose of the program remain unchanged, with a fundamental principle of the program being that “technical training shall not be conducted as a means of adjusting labor supply and demand” (Article 3, Paragraph 2 of the Act).

The Technical Intern Training Program is intended to form relationships between Japanese corporations, and other economic bodies in Japan with technical intern trainees with the ultimate goal of providing valuable skills that would be difficult to acquire in the trainees' native country. The maximum length of stay allowed as an intern trainee is five years, the first year designated for training and education followed by a possible two to four years of work.

The majority of intern trainees come from Vietnam, however there are significant numbers from China, Indonesia and Thailand, among other East-Asian countries.

All technical intern trainees must enter Japan through a supervising organization, unless they are already an employee of an overseas local subsidiary, joint venture company, or trading partner of the Japanese business, in which case the company can register to hire them as an intern trainee directly.

To protect the safety, health, working conditions, and prevent abuse of technical trainees, the Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT、 外国人技能実習機構) was established by the Japanese government.

The OTIT provides multilingual support and services to foreign technical trainees in Japan.

If you need help or are being abused by an employer do not hesitate to contact them at any time. They also offer various resources for foreign interns.

Their homepage is

Thank you for reading. If you are a company seeking to employ interns, or a foreign individual that wishes to work in Japan, please contact Job Mate directly.


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